Serenity's Rhythm

Serenity's Rhythm

Buy This Tutorial Here - This painting was inspired by the beautiful visit to the coast line of Lake Huron. The interesting thing about this painting is that the pilings in the painting are not wave breakers, they are actually old parking barriers! Global warming has raised the water table in this area making these pilings permanently submerged in a couple of feet of water. This painting is one of the few painting I have done with a political/environmental message attached to it.

Part of the original Power To Paint DVD series converted to streaming video. This tutorial covers how to paint the three major facets of water, translucent water, reflective water and cascading water. Learn how to make your water have volume and form even thought it is an ever changing element. Learn how to create the effect of translucent water and create the depth of objects beneath the water surface with convincing detail! See the tricks used to create the splash and ripple of cascading water with simple techniques. Other techniques such as sea foam and refracted light are also instructed on.

Run Time: 3Hr 42 Min
Difficulty: Intermediate
Board Size: 12 x 16 Inches
Lesson Aids: Line Drawing, Colour Template, Materials List, Reference Photo.

Serenity's Rhythm